How is Regenerative Medicine Collected?
Regenerative medicine is a breakthrough therapy for people who suffer from several conditions such as, decreased mobility, various sports injuries, tissue and ligament injuries or damage, and chronic pain. Regenerative medicine is an injection therapy that typically leaves patients with a sense of pain relief after a single session. There are three common ways to collect the ingredients of regenerative medicine, including fat tissue, bone marrow, and placental tissue. We collect our regenerative medicine by amniotic fluid or bone marrow.
Is Regenerative Medicine Safe?
Yes, regenerative medicine is absolutely safe! Our regenerative medicine is the safest and most effective non-invasive therapy option to date. In fact, over 10,000 injections have been administered without any adverse side effects reported by our patients. For more than 20 years, regenerative medicine has been used by ophthalmologists and plastic surgeons. All regenerative medicine collections endure a thorough screening to ensure patient safety and the highest quality of service.
How Many Sessions are Required?
Every patient of regenerative medicine is different and may require a different amount of therapy sessions. Therapy also depends on the injury. We determine therapy for each patient during a thorough examination and assessment of the injury or condition. Once a joint is improved, no further sessions are necessary. However, additional sessions may be provided if new injuries occur or if degenerative injuries begin in other areas. Most patients who receive regenerative medicine experience pain relief and are able to improve from various injuries.
How Successful are Results from Regenerative Medicine?
Successful therapy from regenerative medicine depends on the extent of damage to the injured area, what type of disease is being improved, and the location of the injured area. Typically, patients respond positively to regenerative medicine therapy and even receive pain relief with one session.
How Long is the Improvement Time After Regenerative Medicine Therapy?
All patients are different and may require different improvement times. Improvement time greatly depends on the focus injury or condition. However, many patients have experienced little to no down time.
What are the Chances of Failure?
As with all medicine, there is no 100% guarantee with regenerative medicine. However, we do cover the success rate during the initial consultation. Depending on your condition, additional options may be necessary. In some cases, the contents of your solution may not have the necessary repair potential required to improve the severity of your condition.
How Long does the Regenerative Medicine Process take to Repair?
Typically, the repair process starts immediately after the injection. Regenerative medicine continues to repair damaged tissues for several months following your session. Results may vary.
How Can I Improve the Success of my Therapy?
We individualize our therapy plans. Your success greatly depends on the plan specified for you. In your regenerative medicine therapy, you will receive advanced therapy solutions and assistance with rehabilitation, depending on the focus condition of regenerative medicine sessions.
Does Regenerative Medicine Work?
Regenerative medicine is an amazing concept that helps with a variety of conditions. Generally, people feel exceptional after therapy because of the pain relief this offers. Most pain levels decrease from 8 to 0 in a matter of weeks.
If the Regenerative Medicine Fails, is Surgery Still an Option?
Yes. Regenerative Medicine is not invasive, so it will not disrupt the body or preclude a surgical procedure. After a thorough examination of your condition, we will have a better idea if regenerative medicine will work for you. We will inform you if it is determined that surgery would help your condition better than this regenerative medicine.